The Daily Bloggle

Tuesday, May 14, 2002
"Why would I put an oatmeal crisp in the bed?" That's what Damien asked me. You see, I thought he planted it in the bed so I would find it and think it was a scab and get grossed out, and maybe even puke because we all know I have a weak stomach. Anyway, he claims he didn't plant the oatmeal crisp, and it's my duty as a wife to believe him. It's also my duty, as a wife, to make the bed every day. Either that, or ignore the fact that the bed never gets made. I waver back and forth between the two. Right now I'm on a "make the bed daily" kick.

I have poison ivy again. I've had it at least once a year ever since I got my dog. The first year I had an excuse, I didn't know that my dog could be a "carrier." What happens is, the oil from the plant gets on my dog's fur. Then when I touch her, the oil gets on me and causes an allergic reaction. Last year my reaction was so bad that it turned into erythema multiforme, which is even worse. I would pay big money to anyone who could come up with a cure for "poison ivy." I tried Zanfel, which claims to remove the oil from your skin, but it doesn't work for me. I just found Technu, which claims to do the same thing, so I'll let you know how that works.